Riaz Al Jannah is the Secretive world in the unseen. It is Gohar's Kingdom. His Divine Grace Lord Ra Riaz may transport any number of individuals from one to Millions to His Kingdom of Riaz Al Jannah. The basic formula to obtain entry into Riaz Al Jannah is to become infused with the Sub-spirit of His Holiness RaRiaz Gohar Shahi, and that is of course possible with the will of Gohar alone.Mehdi Foundation International propagates the secrets of the unseen world. Our doctrine is based on Gohar's love, and union.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Welcome to RIAZ AL JANNAH the Kingdom of Lord Ra Riaz
Riaz Al Jannah is the Secretive world in the unseen. It is Gohar's Kingdom. His Divine Grace Lord Ra Riaz may transport any number of individuals from one to Millions to His Kingdom of Riaz Al Jannah. The basic formula to obtain entry into Riaz Al Jannah is to become infused with the Sub-spirit of His Holiness RaRiaz Gohar Shahi, and that is of course possible with the will of Gohar alone.Mehdi Foundation International propagates the secrets of the unseen world. Our doctrine is based on Gohar's love, and union.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Nature of Divinity
What is Light(Noor)?
Names of God Cover all the attributes on God
Seeking love,You call the God "the messiah" name who brought and brings love to your heart His Holiness Gohar Shahi's message is divine love,Love all,does not matter which nation,race or religion you belong to.Calling his name brings love to you till it enters your Heart
Call his name and you will experience the true Love Wanting love,RaRiaz is the symbol of love
Why do we need God's name?when name of God enters heart,God's abtain God's nearness.We need God's name to change our bad deeds and our attitude into love and God's love
How do we know we have God's attributes and God has entered heart?
Heart is the mirror wherein we may see divine reflection and we start noticing the difference in our reactions and acts that has beeen changed to good deeds Looking to yourself you see the Reflection of God's attributes change your charachteristics.Unlawful desires change inti lawful ones,and a dislike develops for the forbidden goods ,forbidden foods and forbidden acts Having the attributes of God means God in you God said:"I like those also,who reflect on the way to prevent the recurrence"
When God's name enters your heart,it creates light (Noor).that guides you to the true path and you stop committing sins (such as envy,arrogance,stinginess,backbiting,greed,hatred...)
How can light be affected? That light when it is planted in your heart can be attacked by nature's fire even by not committing sins.Fire comes from different elements such us the food that we eat (cooked on fire).It contains certain amount of heat The air we breath in,contains heat and it reaches our heart The air generates fir (heat) and affects on light that you have seed in your heart
His Holiness Gohar Shahi has introduced new spiritual doctrine of producing light by the name of God.The intensity of light will diminish fire in your heart Your heart is now surrounded by tremendous amount of purified blood stream.The pure blood circulates and mixes with other contarminated cells The power of that light cleans up the dirt.
His Holiness Ra Gohar Shahi is opening doors to all hearts to experience his divine attributes of bringing God into hearts with powerful (light) Noor that nothing can affect on it
A Peep Into Mehdi Foundation International
His Divine Grace RaRiaz Gohar Shahi
In The End Times
God would send any one of THE SOULS into this world.He would find these soula to unite them.Hewould remind them that they too once loved God.All such Souls whether they be in a religion or not,would respond to His Call,and flock around Him.He would grant these soul a unique Name of Lord.The Name would reach thier souls passing through their hearts.The soul shall then engross the Name permanently to call upon God.The Name
shall render to the soul afresh love,a new passion" and a new strength.The Name's Noor (Divine Energy)shall reunite its connection with God.
Since the elite-soul from all religions would enjoin this Divine-Order,those who had already affirmed the Motto in the Divine presence in the Beginning of the creation"The Day of Azal",hence,it would be free of restraints-of-the religions for entry into it.Individuals from all religions would be given to worship according to their respective religious rituals;however,the nature of heart invocation would remain the same for all.Meaning:even with different religions they would be united at heart.Once God enters their hearts,all would become Godly.God may now confine any one to Him or send any body into a religion to dispense guidance.in other words,some would be Mufeed (Beneficial to the communityvia Habl Allah and also by being appointed),others would be Mufarid(Solitary and isolated),yet others would be the worrers and commanders.The sinners,who support and help these people,would be granted a certain Spiritual Rank.Those who failed to join up this league of Mehdi,most of the,(Muslims and Non Muslims alike)would join hands with the satan(Dajjal,Anti Christ).In the End,there would a great battle between the two. People of Mehdi,Jesus and Kaliki Avatar,together shall defeat them.Most People of Dajjal(Anti-Christ)shall be Killed,and the survivors to live in fear,quietened up and render compulsion.Mehdi and Jesus shall rule the heart of masses.Peace shall be restored in the entire world.All other religions would cease to turn into the ONE RELIGION(The Religion of God).The Religion,would be,God's favourite,gist of the religions and scriptures of all the Prophets,worthy of acceptance in the entire humanity,superior to all types of worship,moreover,even superior to God's Love,ISHQ-E-ILAHI.
Ishq,to where it takes,Emaan has no trace."(Saint Sultan Bahu)
Hidden Secret behind Human Nature
Mehdi Foundation International is not an ordinary organization:Mehdi Foundation Internationalrepresents the interests of the awaited one that all humanity has waited for centurise.We promote the divine doctrine of the awaited one.the unifier of the humanity,the one who accumulates all religions,all faiths,and all nations into the religion of God.
Mehdi Foundation International promotes the nature of God ,the nature of human beings MFI does not know hatred,for we preach Love,the essence of God.We cater for the spiritual needs of all human beings without resarvations and prejudice.We do not discriminate between Christians,Jews or Hindus or Muslims,for in the eyes of God all human beings are equal.
Our spiritual senses,our divine Goharian methodology and our predound spiritual insight into the needs necessities of the spiritual growth are unprecedented without equal.For there have never been a prophet or a saint who couldn't gather all religions and all faiths on noe platfrom on earth According to prophetic traditioan all human beings are born on nature.it is the parents of the child who turns the child into a Muslim,or a Christian a Jew.
According to the philosophies of His Holiness Ra Gohar Shahi we recognize only 2 types of religons:
1. Religion of the Body 2. Religion of the soul
313 religion were established since the day one.124 thousand prophets were sent into this world and on different planets,124 thousand prophets were sent into this world there were thousands of Prophets,hundreds of apostles,thousands of predicators,millions of saints,but there were only 5 messengers.
313 religions were sent to cater the needs of social reforms;these religions take care of the body.
When you become a Christian,Jews or a muslims it is not a soul that that turns into a Christian jew or a Muslim,
it is Your body.
As soon as the body dies the religion of the body dies too.
Prophet of Islam Mohammed(SAW) said,'Whatever good you want to do,do when you are alive because as soon as you die the book of deeds will be closed,'
Which means the religion of Islam is the religion of your body,for the soul does not die.
People adopt religion of the body because they do not have access of the religion of the soul.This religion has never been introduced,only after the Advent of His Lordship RaRiaz Gohar Shahi,His Mejesty Ra Gohar Shahi has brought into this world the religion of the soul,wich means even if your body is not going to the chrch,tample,synagogue or a mosuqe but still you Heart is connected with God through the teachings of Divine Love.
In the religion of soul,it does not matter whather your body id dead or not,the book of the deed will never come to an end as the soul is isimmortal Whereas the good deed of the body will come to an end after your body dies,for the soul knows no religion.RaRiaz has brought religion of soul,the immortal Religion.
Even if your body goes to tample or church your soul is in the audience of God.Before,no one knew how to access God.
your soul is still in the remembrance of the Lord.But the question is how to access the religion of the soul.
The messiah RaRiaz Gohar Shahi announces,'Come we initate your heart with the divine energy.Let me articulate your heart to proclaim the name of the God and once the divine energy of the name of God is synchronized with the beats of your heart,your heart will find way to the audience of the god then you are on the spiritual highways".
we promote the spiritual religion;we promote the religion of the soul.Hence we travel from one country to another.you will find us in the mosque one day and in the other day you will see us in a tample and the day after you will be utterly amazed lecturing in the synagogue,because the message of His Lordship RaRiaz GohaR Shahi is without the limit,is without region and relgion.
No matter where you live,in USA or UK or anywhere in the world,Gohar's message will reach at your doorstep ,Gohar's Voice will Kncock at your door,and if you open the door Gohar's voice will enter in your heart.
Embrace the message of the lord,for you are approaching the end times.
this is the best time to enlighten your future,grab the opportunity to let your soul come alive and let Gohar Shahi shall dye your soul in Love.
The Man On The Moon That Nostradamus Prophesized
Signs Of Lord Gohar Shahi and lord Jesus
Messiah Ra Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Pictures in The Moon and the holy black stone
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Images of Imam Mehdi Kalki Avatar, Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ,,and Durgha Maa
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Introduction To MFI By Chief Executive His Holiness Younus AlGohar
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Mehdi Foundation Promote Divine Love
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Letter to Humanity from the Minister of RaRiaz"Younus"
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The Awaited Ones Look At These Faces Well
Spiritual Path And The Westren Spiritual Concept
His Holiness Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi
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Messiah Foundation International
Ra Gohar Shahi's Vision
Lord Ra Gohar Shahi's Revolutionary message
Universality of Ra Gohar Shahi’s Teachings
The Religions
The religions, which are based on the heavenly Books, are authentic as long as they were not altered. Religions: The Boats and the Scholars are like navigators. If either one is defective,it is impossible to reach the destination; however, the Saints do take even the damaged `botas` (people) safely to the shore. the broken hearts flock around the Saints for this reason. Superior to religion is the love of God. which is the Essence of all religions, whereas the Light of God is an illuminating guide in the way. three parts are of the exoteric knowledge, and one part is the esoteric that was spread by khidr (Vishnu Maharaj). The love of God is the only way for Nearness to God.The dogs are better than an individual whose hearts is empty of God, as dogs love their master, and achieve the nearness of their master, otherwise an`unclean`dog and a divinely ordained human cannot be compared. If you desire the paradise and its damsels,worship a lot to reach the highest of the Heavens. However, if you are in search of God, you must learn spirituality also,so that while staying on the straightway, you can access the Essence of God. R. A. Gohar Shahi . MEHDI FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL Website:http://goharshahi.com/
A Revolutionary Message From Gohar Shahi
To the entire humanity A Muslim says that I am the most high, whereas a jew says that his atage is higher than that of a Muslim.a Christian says that he is better than both, and even better than all other religions because he is form the nation of the 'Son of God' (jesus). But Gohar Shahi says: ''The sublime and most elevated is the one, who has love of God in his Heart, though he may not belong to any religion.'' ''The verbel chanting and worship is proof obedience and submission to God, whereas Qalb meditation is the means to the Love of God and Access to God.''
Promised Messiah Rescues The Humanity
Promised Messiah rescues the Humanity God has set an asteroid to collide with the earth to finish it to the total extinction, whice is expceted in the year 2026.Apart of this asteroid has already hit the jupiter few years ago. The whole of the earth would see the effects of the dust released into atmosphere. The collision would see a global catastrophe. the Scientists are working on to deflect it or change its direction, but it wont help since its an act of God. The only way of escape from this haveoc maybe possible if Humanity turns to God,repent over sins,ask forgiveness. Or the promised messiah descends on Earth to save the humantiy from this calamity. His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi,the Promiesd Messiah God has manifested his images on various planets including the moon, the sun, the mars,the earth and sacred objects like that of the Holy Black Stone in Mecca. Adopt the Goharian Gospet of Divine Love. His Holiness RARIAZ GOHAR SHAHI is the fountain of love, mersy and salvation for the entire humanity. Jesus Christ and HH RaRiaz Gohar Shahi join hands to bless and save the humanity. MEHDI FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL
Younus AlGohar
No matter how strong does human race become, it still needs Promised Messiah RaRiaz Gohar Shahi and Returning Jesus Christ, because men cannot compete God. Biblical text reveals everything is to return to where it originates from. 313 religions were established through 125 thousand prophets since the beginning. Three types of souls sent into this world. Hell-bound, Heaven-bound and the God-loving souls. The eternally hell-bound souls happened to be inclined towards the materialistic gains, the heaven-bound are Godýs law abiding souls. They live in accordance with the divinely prescribed life-style. Their ultimate achievement is to earn paradise. The God-loving souls settles for Godýs love only, nothing else interests them. Paradise can be obtained through practice of any religion sent by God. Acquiring Godýs love involves revival of spiritual faculties, invested in every human being by God. Both spiritual and physical dimensions of the knowledge were introduced in all religions. The physical aspect of the religion is aimed at matters relating to the rituals of the religion, while the spiritual secretive sense is to reconnect to God. The clerics acquired the expertise in the ritualistic knowledge, whereas the Sufiýs managed to achieve the secretive sense of the spiritual faculties after lengthy process of self-denial, purification of heart and awakening of soul. The ritualistic knowledge of all religions is to be found in books, hence it is easily accessible, while the spiritual knowledge is to be ethereally bestowed on hearts, and obtained only after mortification and spiritual cleanliness. Love for money and carnal desires entangled human beings in an evil web. People shun the Quest for the spiritual knowledge, and with the passage of time, this knowledge became extinct. Distance from this knowledge resulted in disconnecting from God. His Holiness RaRiaz Gohar Shahi introduces the long forgotten secretive sense of the spiritual knowledge to the whole of humanity. In this materialistic age, people are not prone to seclusion, as in the olden times, Sufiýs would leave the normal life-style, and for mortification of the Self, and purification of heart and soul, they would adopt hermitage temporarily. Therefore, in order to ease off the hardship of this spiritual path, His Holiness Gohar Shahi exempts the aspirants from reclusion. His Holiness Gohar Shahi advocates the path of Divine Love. Love is Godýs own religion. All the other religions were established by prophets. Prophets were sent into different nations, but divine Love is for the entire humanity. Through divine love only the humanity can become a united nation. Uniformity of the souls in divine love will establish the Divine Kingdom of God. His Holiness Gohar Shahi is the Unifier, the symbol of Love and Peace. God has manifested the images of HH Gohar Shahi on the Moon, the Sun, the Mars and various other locations. Appearance of the images is the divine declaration for the humanity to recognize their Messiah. Mehdi Foundation International represents the cause of the Promised Messiah His Holiness Gohar Shahi. We promote the Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love and Global Peace. We need Mediaýs help to publicise the divine mission, but the media shows very little interest today, however, the day is not far when they shall look for us for an astounding headliner. Younus AlGohar
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