Sunday, November 23, 2008

Messiah Foundation International


We herald the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus ascended to the higherrealms some two thousand years ago. No real image of Lord Jesus has been available,because there were no cameras at that ti me. The available images of Lord Jesus arethose that the arti sts created using descripti ons from the Bible. These are not thetrue refl ecti on of Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus hailed from the Asian region, however theimages available to us show a pale complexioned face , someti mes with blonde hair,blue eyes, someti mes Jesus is portrayed with very dark skin this seems to imply thatdiff erent regions have portrayed Jesus to sati sfy their parti cular followers.TRUE IMAGE OF LORD JESUS CHRISTThe questi on is how the humanity shallrecognise Jesus Christ when he returns.Most Christi ans these days haveadopted a materialisti c life style. Eitherthey have chosen to ignore the mysti calknowledge or they do not have access to the spiritual system. It simply meansthat while Christi an’s visit churches and recite prayers they unfortunately donot have a spiritual connecti on with Lord Jesus. Messiah Foundati on Internati onal (M.F.I) gracefully headed by The Divine Spiritual Guide Younus AlGohar . Follow the teachings and message of divine love of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi , His Holiness is a world renowned Spiritual Master who’s teachings are a mirror of Lord Jesus. It is through His Holiness we are blessed to posses the true image of our Lord Jesus, Gohar Shahi whilst spreading his divine message in America was visited byLord Jesus. It was the 29th of May 1997 at the El Monte Lodge in Taos, New Mexico.During the night, Jesus visited His Holiness the meeti ng left his holiness with a feelingof immense energy and pleasure, Jesus said ‘I am in America presently and I havecome to visit you’ Gohar Shahi asked, "Where do you live?" Jesus replied, "I had nohome in the past and I have no home now either", this meeti ng is confi rmati on thatthese two personaliti es are working together to spread the message of divine love.When His Holiness was requested for further details of the meeti ng He said, "WhatJesus and I discussed will remain a secret unti l I disclose it at an appropriate ti meand occasion in the future". His Holiness recollects, "A few days later I visited Tucson,Arizona, where somebody showed me a photograph, and pointed out to me that itwas Jesus. I instantly recognised it; it was the same person that appeared before meat the El Monte Lodge. I asked the owner of the photograph, "Where did youand you shall become a divine medium of God. This divine feeling, this presence thatstops you committi ng sins, this warmth of heart and prominent heartbeat is thetrue Confi rmati on into Gods Religion.THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK THROUGH SPIRITUAL HEALING.As we get ill we seek a doctor, we take the prescribedmedicine and the health is restored. The medicine enters thebloodstream, and provides the cure to the aff ected organs. However, there are some incurable illnesses also, and themedical science could not fi nd a cure for them. Each organ in the human body possesses a specifi ed kind ofenergy, when it is lost; the aff ected organ either slows down or stops working. The Spiritual Healer, through his own heartsends divine energy to the pati ent to replace the lost energy.This is how anointi ng of the sick is carried out. Gods light serveslike a medicine, and it has a cure for all diseases. These days’ peopleare concerned about the health of their body; however, they sti ll feel empti ness in their lives. They have money expensive homes and other forms of luxury but these fail to give them peace of mind. Let us explore the reasons why people do not have peace of mind. We need to understand that our body is not our reality. The very essence of our being is our soul. Our bodies did not exist before our birth into thisworld; neither will it exist aft er our demise.We loose peace of mind when our souls become sick. We follow a strict rule of a regular diet for our body, otherwise the body will become weak, and one day this weakness will end in its demise similarly our souls need regular spiritual diet. The diet of the souls is the divine energy. This divine energy is known as Gods light.Also in mysti cal terminology. Mingling of the name of Lord within the heart-throbsis known as initi ati on of the spiritual heart. This is pure mysti cal doctrine. Throughthis knowledge one not only does obtain physical and spiritual health but one alsomanages to get connected with God Almighty.Messiah Foundati on Internati onal has the doctrines of spiritual love. We would like to share with you the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ. We would like to bapti se yourhearts with mysti cal love.Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

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